Top 10k strings from Lightmare (1989)(Zenobi Software).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /

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   5 "You don't have it.":
   3 m$(wpos,b,
   3 carry=carry+
   3 " ";o$(a):
   2 carry=carry-
   2 "You land with a bump on the     other side...":
   2 "You land painfully...":
   2 "You don't have a key!":
   2 "To no avail.":
   2 "The window is closed.":
   2 "That is ";
   2 "Please enter the file name with no more than ten characters."'
   2 "Nothing can be taken.":
   2 "No more than ten characters!":
   2 "It's locked.":
   2 "It's already open.":
   2 "It's already closed.":
   1 w````DD|||||y}}}}}oo}}}}||||||
   1 w$(wpos,b)=a$
   1 u^UWUW\jWnU{UzU
   1 time=time+
   1 sco=sco+103
   1 i$=i$+"GO WEST":
   1 i$=i$+"GO SOUTH":
   1 i$=i$+"GO NORTH":
   1 i$=i$+"GO EAST":
   1 i$=" "+i$+"    "
   1 g$="west,":
   1 g$="south,":
   1 g$="north,":
   1 g$="east,":
   1 g$="down,":
   1 code7     
   1 code6     
   1 code5     
   1 code3     
   1 code2     =
   1 code1     
   1 attaall     anviascearch                bludblanbonebookbridbuckbushblacbarr    carrcorpclimcloscoinclifcastcoppcratchesdropdownd   drin    daggdoor    daug    eastend exame   evereart                    foun    fighfloofurnflam            get go  gategirlgoldgrougrasgorggullgarghelphinthit horshenghoushearholl        inveit  ice i   inn innkin              jumpjewejett                            killknif    kitckilnkey                 leavlantloadlookl   locklakelandliquladyman monsmen                             nortn                                   openout                                 pullpushpit parcpuncpasspenn            quit                                    run rat rockrubyreadroadrug raft        soutscors   savesmitstonsearsymbskulstattaketraptali    treetunntorctombtablthroup  u   unlo                                vial                                westwaitwalkw   windwritwatewomawavewigh                                                                                                      
   1 a$="    ":
   1 `|||||||||}oooohhhoo}}}}}}}}ioo|||x|||oooooohhhhhhhooooooooiiiiiooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhoiiiiiiiiiy}ooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiioooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiii!mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmiihhHHHHHH!! }yyoooooiiiiiiiiiiiiH(((hhhhH  `yyyyoooiiiiiiiiiiHHHH((((((  `  iiiiiiiiiiiiiiHHHH
   1 ````D||||||}}ooooooooo}||||||||
   1 Your trusty bludgeonA faded blanket     A broken knife      A gold coin         A decayed corpse    A tattered book     A lit lantern       A vial of liquid    A mouldy bone       A bucket of water   A horseshoe         A heavy anvil       An unlit lantern    A leather parchment An ivory talisman   An empty crate      A copper penny      A large human skull A sparkling ruby    A large rock        A small chest       A fine bronze key   
   1 SCO=SCO+24
   1 SCO=SCO+19
   1 SCO=SCO+17
   1 SCO=SCO+11
   1 HiiiiiiiiHH
   1 HHHHiiiiHHH
   1 FFFFFFFFD44000044
   1 FBBBBBBBF 4404004
   1 Dervorin! Only you can retrieve the locket of the Lightmare and save us. Hurry! For time runs swiftly in our hour of must find it...we beg you...                          !
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 CODE 8    5
   1 CCCCCCCCC     ((   (         
   1 CARRY=CARRY-240
   1 ;" the spell, normally this is     a pentangle or even an old      bone..."
   1 44000004      DDDDDDDDD0000004
   1 400444    
   1 40000044      FFFFFFFFD4000004
   1 4000000444   BDEEEEEDD000004
   1 40000000044  
   1 +": MARE ":
   1 ((((((((((((  `` 
   1 ((((((((  `` ``
   1 ((((((((       
   1 (((((((   `` HiiiiiiiiiiiHHH
   1 (((((((     `
   1 'FOBABAzAU_w
   1 '"You can go ";
   1 '"Total weight = ";carry;" ounce.";:
   1 '"Press any key..."
   1 '" This potion will nullify the    downward pull of gravity."'" Mix 1 oz of dried bats blood    with a pint of goats milk. Add  a pinch of salt to taste.":
   1 '" actual fact the potion    can only be consumed when the   user has the correct focus for" 
   1 "you emerge into the sunlight on a precipice overlooking a pine  forest."
   1 "Your search reveals a gold coin.":
   1 "Your jump was unsuccessful.":
   1 "Your examination reveals nothingof interest.":
   1 "Your burden is too great.":
   1 "Your blow does no damage.":
   1 "You've already got it!":
   1 "You see nothing special.":
   1 "You see a dark shadow animating ancient armour and ornate       jewelry.":
   1 "You pick up,"
   1 "You pick it up";
   1 "You need the help of your       contact.":
   1 "You drop,"
   1 "You drop it.":
   1 "You don't have it with you.":
   1 "You can't unlock that.":
   1 "You can't take that!":
   1 "You can't take that yet.":
   1 "You can't squeeze through.":
   1 "You can't pick it up to examine it.":
   1 "You can't open it.":
   1 "You can't lock that.":
   1 "You can't go that way yet.":
   1 "You can't close it.":
   1 "You can't climb that yet!":
   1 "You can also see..."
   1 "You are unable to enter the     remains of the Inn":
   1 "You are unable to decipher the  meaning of the symbols.":
   1 "You are carrying..."
   1 "You are carrying nothing.":
   1 "You are carrying nothing!"
   1 "You are beset by wolves.        Hundreds of sharp eyes watch    your every move."
   1 "What direction?":
   1 "Unlock what?":
   1 "Time passes...":
   1 "There is nothing to drink here.":
   1 "There is nothing special about  it.":
   1 "There is an open window here."
   1 "There is a sudden noise at your feet - you look done, but see   nothing in the gloom. Your      object is gone!":
   1 "There is a gully to the north inthe hills. Meet me there soon   and we will activate it's       power!"""
   1 "There is a closed window here."
   1 "There is a beautiful young womanhere."
   1 "The young woman leaves."
   1 "The wooden floor is rotten      beside the trap door, it gives  way beneath your weight and you land with a bump in the darknessbelow.":
   1 "The wooden floor is damp and    rotten.":
   1 "The wight wails then lunges at  your cowring body. The last     thing you hear is the ripping ofyour own flesh.":
   1 "The unconscious body of the     blacksmith is here."
   1 "The trapdoor slams shut emittinga cloud of gritty dust.":
   1 "The smouldering remains of the  Inn are to the north."
   1 "The slobbering jaws of a large  wolf close on your throat. Its  claws ripping at your chest...":
   1 "The skull has the word LIVE on  it in dark red letters.":
   1 "The sharp rocks and loose earth prove to great a challenge for  you.":
   1 "The ruby is engulfed in flame.  You hear a long moaning wail    from above."
   1 "The roof caves in, you are      crushed under the burning       timbers.":
   1 "The potion tastes horrid - some what like goats milk and bats   blood. You discard the empty    vial.":
   1 "The parchment reads..."'
   1 "The man at the bar says softly, @Ok you, take it - it's not     worth much anyway.@"
   1 "The lantern flickers then goes  out."
   1 "The key does not fit.":
   1 "The innkeepers daughter smiles  at you, ""We now have something  which may help you, this jewel  will vanquish evil for it is of elvish origin."
   1 "The innkeepers daughter leaves."
   1 "The innkeepers daughter is here.She will help you on your quest.Well done! You have successfullycompleted the first part of     Lightmare.":
   1 "The innkeepers daughter is here."
   1 "The innkeeper approaches you,   ""It's 1 gold and 1 copper for   your nights lodgings. I know youstayed the night sir, but I     trust my daughter - she likes tohelp."""
   1 "The girl screams and slumps to  the ground. The innkeeper       arrives with five burly men -   you are taken away in chains to be tried for murder!":
   1 "The gate is secured with a      strong lock.":
   1 "The gargoyle's stare numbs you, a cold fear washes over your    body. You cannot pass through   the arch.":
   1 "The entrance is blocked.":
   1 "The darkness is complete.":
   1 "The corpse is clothed in a blackshawl. Its toothless grin mocks you.":
   1 "The charred remains of a chest  are here."
   1 "The cave is filled with earth."
   1 "The cave entrance to the east   is blocked."
   1 "The bludgeon is quite small as  clubs go. Blood stains and goat hairs decorate it, reminding youof its previous use.":
   1 "The blacksmith has already been hit.":
   1 "The blacksmith crumples         unconcious to the ground.":
   1 "The Inn is burning."':
   1 "Take what?":
   1 "Sorry, no clues here!"
   1 "Sorry, but I do not understand  what you mean.":
   1 "Someone walks past the door     outside and locks it.":
   1 "So far you have scored ";sco'"out of a possible 667."
   1 "She remarks that you do not havethe jewel with you, then sits   down to wait.":
   1 "She offers to let you sleep heretonight, on the floor, and you  gladly accept."'"In the morning you feel very    refreshed and ready for another day. The innkeepers daughter    ushers you out of her room for  an early start.":
   1 "She leads you through a small   door hidden in the tall grass.  Crawling after her through a wettunnel for some time,"
   1 "She gives you a light kiss      before she heads of into the    trees."
   1 "Saving..."
   1 "Save successful."
   1 "Revealing a tunnel north."
   1 "Revealing a tunnel down."
   1 "Revealing a small vial of       liquid.":
   1 "Push what?":
   1 "Pull what?":
   1 "Open what?":
   1 "Only those bearing a token of   evil may pass.":
   1 "My daughter has befriended you  it seems!"" the innkeeper laughs,"
   1 "Lock what?":
   1 "Loading...":
   1 "Load successful":
   1 "Its already closed (and locked).":
   1 "It's too dark down there.":
   1 "It's not here.":
   1 "It's not here!":
   1 "It's locked from outside!":
   1 "It's cold but refreshing.":
   1 "It's already unlocked.":
   1 "It's already locked.":
   1 "It won't open! It is too heavy  to open from below.":
   1 "It won't budge!":
   1 "It unlocks."
   1 "It tastes disgusting but then   you begin to feel the uplifting effect of the spell.":
   1 "It snaps shut.":
   1 "It slams shut.":
   1 "It reveals darkness below.":
   1 "It opens with a rasping groan.":
   1 "It opens easily.":
   1 "It locks.":
   1 "It is carved in the shape of a  paw.":
   1 "It is bright crimson red with a faded design just visible on it.One of a white stallion jumping over tall ramparts.":
   1 "It is a brilliant sparkling red and has an engraving of a flame on one facet.":
   1 "I fear for her, guard her well  lad - fare well!"""
   1 "Hit what?":
   1 "For I am the one sent to meet   you - alas the captain that was sent before was slain, but come now! We part in good spirits    although great darkness         forbodes, fare well!'"
   1 "Eughh! That tastes revolting!"
   1 "Earth and stones fall from the  roof.":
   1 "Drop what?":
   1 "Drink what?":
   1 "Close what?":
   1 "Climb what?":
   1 "At the end of your adventure youhave scored ";SCO;" out of a"'"possible 667."
   1 "As you glance through the book  you notice a page reading...":
   1 "An elf jewel into fire will     vanquish the evil!":
   1 "A open, dusty trapdoor is here  leading ";
   1 "A man at the bar shouts across. @Hey you! Leave that book alone.We've got enough thieves in thisvillage without you! @"'"You drop it.":
   1 "A landslide blocks the north endof the gully."
   1 "A huge shadow looms up before   you; a cold, deadly Barrow      Wight!"
   1 "A coal from the fire falls from the hearth setting light to the wooden floor. The room is       quickly engulfed in flame.":
   1 "A closed dusty trapdoor is here."
   1 "@Not that way! @ bellows the    smith, @This way! @ and he kicksyou out into the alley.":
   1 "@ABCDEFG":
   1 "89:;<=>?":
   1 "6";L$(LOC)(
   1 "58400"+((
   1 "5","0","16","254","0","27","1","0","21","127","0","33","2","0","17","210","0","31","130","0","14","2","0","8"
   1 "4";L$(LOC)(
   1 "34";"#$%&'":
   1 "25")="1":
   1 "24")="1":
   1 "24")=" ":
   1 "23606",add-((
   1 "20","0","99","12","0","4","6","0","4","1","0","0","255","0","5","31","0","7","15","0","39","2","0","0","5","0","20","240","0","27","11","0","35","250","0","11","15","0","0","1","0","12"
   1 "1";"{|}"'"~";
   1 "1";"CAUTION";
   1 "01234567":
   1 "0";L$(LOC)(
   1 "0";"  : Pressing BREAK will        crash the computer!"
   1 "()*+,-./":
   1 "'Hold out the jewel  - Ah - see how it glitters so! The elvish  virtue has been rekindled in themorning light my friend. But    beauty alone will not aid you,  go forth with a strong heart andremember this - I will always bethere to guide you."
   1 "'Get up here with that water! ' shouts the innkeeper as you     hurry up the stairs. Eventually,thanks to the your courage and  help from the other men, the    flames are soon put out.":
   1 """You did not heed a word I said,did you? Well your too late now,goodbye!""":
   1 """Thanks for knocking! But never mind, I know why your here and  I want to help. But first do    something for me, a ruby - find it please.""":
   1 """Just where do you think you aregoing with that anvil?""":
   1 """Indeed she did beg me to tell  you to make all speed to that   evil castle."
   1 """I see you have the money to payfor your night's lodgings. Thankyou sir, I thought  you would   never come back!"
   1 """I don't know what your playing at, but if you don't get that   jewel soon the whole quest will be in vain!""":
   1 """Get out!"" shouts the smith     sternly, ""I'm busy."""
   1 """Fetch some water! "" shouts the innkeeper as he and some other  men fight the fire.":
   1 " with some effort";
   1  S.Johnston 1989
   1  A chill wind whistles through     the snow laden pines above.  You stand on the southern edge  of a frozen lake. A wooden walk way to the north leads out to a dark castle on a small island.   D eep in a mossy birch wood,      the air is cold and dank. A  weathered sign points west to a muddy path leading to Delvhorn. To the south is a small clearingamong snow covered boulders.     Y ou are by the old ruins of a    cottage. Its green door, now faded and cracked, hangs on its hinges swinging in the icy air. The windows are but dark hollowsin the crumbling stone walls.    I nside the cottage. It is dim,   a sliver of light shines froma hole in the roof above. The   floor is littered with refuse   cast away by passing vagrants.  To the north leads outside.      Y ou are in small underground     room below the cottage. Hay  reeks decay from somewhere in   the darkness. Water drips down  the slimy stone walls into      puddles on the ground.           H ere is a rutted road in the     small village of Delvhorn. 
   1      88888/(((((((88
   1             "